Just world order federation , Save Gaza , Indian Peace Activist Dr Ahmed Haque pens letter to OIC for Action! Just world order federation , Save Gaza , Indian Peace Activist Dr Ahmed Haque pens letter to OIC for Action! Humanity- About

Who We Are

Who are we?

Empowering Voices for a Just World

The Vision of Dr. Ahmed Haque and the Just World Order Federation

In the heart of bustling Mumbai, a vision for a just and equitable world is coming to life through the tireless efforts of Dr. Ahmed Haque, a renowned philanthropist, peace activist, and beacon of hope for many. Founding the Just World Order Federation (JWOF), Dr. Haque is not just dreaming of a better future; he is actively laying the groundwork for it. This initiative, deeply rooted in the principles of justice, equality, and peace, seeks to empower the voiceless, support the powerless, and challenge the injustices that mar our society.  We need leaders not in love money but in love with justice. not in love with publicity but in love with humanity.
(Martin Luther King JR)
At its core, the JWOF is more than just an organization; it is a collective movement powered by over a thousand progressive individuals from diverse walks of life. From politicians to educators, scientists to artists, and journalists to philanthropists, this national forum serves as a melting pot of ideas and actions aimed at fostering societal and national engagement. Its goal is not only to address the immediate needs of the marginalized but also to ignite a broader conversation on peace, harmony, and the intrinsic value of every human being. "The day the power of love overrules the love of power the world will know peace. (Mahatma Gandhi)"   Dr. Ahmed Haque's journey into activism is a testament to his belief in the transformative power of collective action and the importance of standing up for what is right. His efforts go beyond mere advocacy; they are about building bridges, healing divides, and creating a support network for those who have suffered from the inequities of our system. The federation's focus areas—spreading peace, aiding the poor, improving health and education in rural areas, promoting women's empowerment, and supporting orphanages and old age homes—are all facets of Dr. Haque's vision for a balanced society where justice prevails.

One of the most compelling aspects of Dr. Haque's approach is his emphasis on peace as a foundational element of justice. Echoing the words of Mahatma Gandhi, he believes that "there is no path to peace, peace is the path." This philosophy underpins every initiative undertaken by the JWOF, striving for a society where conflict is resolved through understanding and respect for all, regardless of faith or ethnicity. In a country as diverse as India, this vision for peace through reconciliation holds the key to not just national but global harmony.

The challenges to peace and justice are many—poverty, inequality, a fragile justice system, and the specter of violence. Yet, Dr. Haque's work embodies the belief that these obstacles can be overcome with a nonviolent approach that seeks to bring perpetrators of injustice to account while uplifting those who have been wronged. His life's work stands as a beacon of nonviolent resistance and advocacy for those who have been silenced by the machinery of oppression.

The JWOF is not an isolated effort; it stands at the confluence of global and local initiatives, aligning with other NGOs worldwide to weave a tapestry of support and solidarity for those in need. This interconnectedness amplifies the impact of Dr. Haque's vision, creating a network of change agents dedicated to the cause of justice and peace.

In a world where inequality and injustice still cast long shadows, the work of Dr. Ahmed Haque and the Just World Order Federation shines as a beacon of hope. It is a reminder that the path to peace is paved with justice, understanding, and the relentless pursuit of equality. Through his leadership, Dr. Haque inspires us all to take up the mantle of change, to be the voice for the voiceless, and to strive for a world where every individual has the opportunity to live in dignity and peace.

The journey toward a just world order is fraught with challenges, but with visionaries like Dr. Ahmed Haque at the helm, the dream of a peaceful, equitable society is not just a possibility but an inevitability. It is up to us to join this movement, to contribute in our own ways, and to ensure that the future we build is one where justice and peace are not just ideals but realities for all.


Justice for Everyone

Dr. Ahmed’s Just World Order Federation stands for justice for everyone, abolishing the perpetrators of injustice and violence, becoming the voice of the voiceless, empowering the powerless, and supporting those in need.

People to Live in Harmony

While Dr. Ahmed’s prime agenda has always been establishing world peace and harmony, he also believes that a fair social, legal and economic system forms the base of a peaceful society and enables people to live in harmony.

Fight Against in Justice

This thought motivated Dr. Ahmed Haque to go a step ahead and create a support structure for people who have been affected by an unjust system or society. His vision behind this initiative is to give the affected people, a platform to share their stories and give them the support they require to in justice.